Topical Lessons

Home » Category » Topical Lessons |  March 17, 2024

As a church, most of our teaching is expository, meaning we go through a text in the Bible, normally a whole book, and examine it chapter by chapter and verse by verse. The lessons below are different. For these, we start with a topic and look throughout the Bible to see what God has revealed to us through His Scriptures about it. In addition to these topical lessons, we have also tagged the key topics that are discussed in our expository lessons. To find lessons (either topical or expository) that address a specific topic, click here.

Image credit: 1 Chronicles 4:39 © Annie Vallotton

I Have Hidden Your Word in My Heart: Memorizing Scripture!

This is an unusually challenging message that could disrupt your spiritual life! In it, we make the case for memorizing extended passages of Scripture, then meditating on that day and night. While this is hard work, it will produce wonderful blessings for those who persevere. We begin by reviewing Bible passages that encourage this, then

I Have Hidden Your Word in My Heart: Memorizing Scripture! View Lesson

I Have Hidden Your Word in My Heart: Memorizing Scripture! View Lesson


Throughout Scripture, significant events took place at Bethlehem. As we remember the details of our Lord's birth, we see how this event was foretold in various times, places and events that took place centuries before. May this give us even more reason to rejoice and stand in awe at the birth of our Savior! Teaching

Bethlehem View Lesson

Bethlehem View Lesson

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