
First 40 Days on Mount Sinai (with Moses Fasting) (Exodus 24:9-18)

Moses and Israel's chosen men ascend Mount Sinai, where Moses will receive the stone tablets. The Lord calls Moses and Joshua to proceed further up, where they enter the midst of a great cloud. Moses remains on the mountain forty days, fasting throughout. We begin by considering the mysterious nature of God (the Father), whom

First 40 Days on Mount Sinai (with Moses Fasting) (Exodus 24:9-18) View Lesson

First 40 Days on Mount Sinai (with Moses Fasting) (Exodus 24:9-18) View Lesson

Let No Root of Bitterness Spring Up, Pt. 3 of 3 (Paul and Jesus)

Paul is able to write that he takes "pleasure" in his infirmities, needs, persecutions, and distresses. How can this be? In this third lesson on dealing with bitterness in our hearts, we focus on Paul’s example in the face of extreme suffering, and the unexpected ways God used Paul’s afflictions (and Christ-like spirit) to His

Let No Root of Bitterness Spring Up, Pt. 3 of 3 (Paul and Jesus) View Lesson

Let No Root of Bitterness Spring Up, Pt. 3 of 3 (Paul and Jesus) View Lesson

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